
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12.18.10 | Sistercare Holiday Gift Drive

Sistercare is holding a Christmas gift drive for our shelter residents and clients on Thursday, December 18 from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and we are in need of volunteers to greet donors and accept and sort the gifts at the site of the gift drive. A tractor trailer will be set up in the parking lot of a local business for donors to drop off gifts and nonperishable food to fill the trailer rig. We anticipate a good response because WOLO TV has been running a story on the gift drive and WIS TV will air a piece.

PROJECT: Christmas gift drive for battered women served by Sistercare in our three emergency shelters and in our community-based programs.

DATE: Thursday, December 16, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

LOCATION: The parking lot in front of D.W. Headquarters Salon, 2313 Sunset Ct, West Columbia, 29169. The parking lot is on Sunset Blvd (Rte 378), across from Grecian Gardens Restaurant, and close to the Sunset Blvd exit of I-26 near Lexington Medical Center.

COORDINATOR: Denise Williams, owner of D.W. Headquarters Salon, 794.0005


1. Bathrobes of all sizes for women and children

2. Bedroom slippers of all sizes for women and children

3. Pots/pans sets

4. Nonperishable food

5. Financial donations

6. Sets of dishes

7. Educational toys for children of all ages

8. Board games (Scrabble, Scrabble Jr., Monopoly Jr., Clue Jr., Apples to Apples, Are you Smarter than a 5th grader, etc.)

9. Children’s pajamas of all sizes

10. Footballs, basketballs, baseball bat and ball set

11. Dolls for multiple ethnicities

12. Clothes for babies and toddlers

13. Jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets)

14. Watches

15. Jogging suits of all sizes for women

16. Towels and hand cloths

17. Bed linens of all sizes

18. Sweaters of all sizes for women and children

19. Small household appliances

20. Varieties of DVDs and CDs

Sistercare greatly appreciates the assistance of volunteers to manage the donated gifts and greet donors during our gift drive. We hope to make the Sistercare Christmas gift drive a complete success.

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